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Director's 2nd anniversary message

Our story in the UK dates back only two years ago, the period of the Coronavirus Pandemic has peaked and life has stopped around the world. In contrast to many people, the pandemic has been a valuable opportunity for myself to deepen and focus on my intrinsic potentials.


As an architect and a young entrepreneur, I have always had a thought of setting up my own business. At the time of completing my master study on civil construction and real estate management, in 2020, I was often thinking of doing something that enables me to combine my proficiencies altogether: Architecture, civil construction, and real estate. They would be the three pillars of my prospective business. In this direction, I decided to set up my business in the UK to fill the shortage of qualified people that will likely appear right after Brexit.


I prepared a simple and clear business plan to submit to the Home Office towards the end of 2020. I had not thought of the company name a lot, like it was always in my mind. I said it only once: Further! Because the word further has a lot of meaning which overlaps with my purposes: Going further towards the furthest... As an adverb, we already knew far-further-furthest... Furthest would be too assertive and it would not be realistic. I always preferred to be modest, especially in the beginning. Because the time going by would show the reality. However, as the verb, to further something means to help something to develop or be successful.


I had decided the name, so how would the logo be? In the end, I was creating a new-brand which might be a prosperous incorporation in the future. So, the logo would be as simple and memorable as possible. It would be an iconic and well-known symbol and evoking the three pillars which mean three proficiencies I have held. It is said that the first thing that comes to mind is true. I immediately sketched a chevron indicating up or north or forward or all... That chevron would be perceived as a roof or a north arrow or a chevron as it is directing further...


As a result of this process, the business plan was approved, the UK visa was granted, Further Design & Management Limited was established, and my business life in the UK started.


At the beginning, the most difficult thing was to come through the professional recognition processes and obtaining relevant certificates in the UK as soon as possible. In this regard, I have obtained the CSCS Card for academically qualified persons, SMSTS certificate and First-aid at work certificate to fulfil the requirements to be able to provide construction site management services in less than three months. Moreover, I keep in touch with the Architects Registration Board (ARB) as the only registrar for architects and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) to complete the professional registration processes. Due to registration process of architects may go change after Brexit, I postpone this registration. However, at the 2nd anniversary of the business, I was confirmed as an RICS Candidate.


At this point, I cannot go further without stating my special thanks to Sarah Goddard Chartered Accountants (SGCA). Working with SGCA has been another step to become more professional in the business life.


Then, Further has begun to provide site management assistance services in Thaxted Solar Farm Project in October 2021. This one was the first significant project of Further which I have directly contributed to and practiced the site management process as an outsourcer of Humartas Energy & Construction Limited. Once the project is launched, it is aimed to generate 48 MegaWatt-peak of energy. Towards the end of this project, in April 2022, we agreed with Eden Energy and Construction Limited for the Larks Green Solar Project in Tytherington around Bristol. I have been in the role of site supervisor in this project. Once this project is launched, it is aimed to generate 72 MegaWatt-peak of energy. At the same time, this project would be the first project that connects to the national grid as it is said.


I hereby would like to mention that Further gets closer with companies which undertake large-scale renewable and sustainable energy projects as it was principally purposed. To be honest, I was not expecting this to come true in a year, therefore, I consider myself successful to have achieved one of my goals. I personally believe that Further has begun to do so and to form strategic alliances with incorporations. Although I was planning to move through the triangle of architecture - construction - real estate; both Russia's invasion of Ukraine beginning in February 2022 which caused a global energy crisis and the National Planning Policy Framework caused renewable energy projects to suddenly accelerate. I have naturally seen this potential and focused on these large-scale renewable energy projects in order to turn the crisis into an opportunity.

As aforementioned, the initial purpose of Further was to fill the shortage of qualified people that emerged right after Brexit. We have also started to move as solution partners with those alliances: Humartas Energy & Construction Limited, Eden Energy and Construction Limited, Pure Green Consulting Limited. I can confidently say that if my business has a tendency to go down, I may ask support from one of alliances.

After overcoming the difficulties of the 1st business year, I am also able to say that the 2nd year has been a little bit more relax in compare to the 1st year. This has been a kind of relieving and focusing the pillars again. I spent most of my time with lively and lovely customers to provide small-scale design and quantity surveying works to get ready RICS assessments. In these days, I have been looking for corporate surveyors to make business together.


While ending, I can say that despite having commenced working as a self-employed business person two years ago, now I have been feeling that I am slightly becoming a real director of a company which is seen to grow. Finally, I need to state that I am happy to have recognised many skilled people that I can combine different teams of thanks to all those projects I have contributed to on behalf of my company.


As a result of all those things, I feel I am stronger than ever and looking to the future with a great confidence!

Istemi Alp KOSE

4th May 2023, Ipswich

Istemi Alp Kose: Meet the Team
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